Minhwa Workshop at the First Campus Center of the Princeton University, NJ, US

On March 8th,  I conducted a Minhwa Workshop at the First Campus Center of the Princeton University for around 50 students and a group of professors. The event was held as a part of KFAA (Korean Fine Arts Association)’s mission of which I’m a part as the chairman of the international committee. Though it was one week prior to their mid-term week, many students participated and enjoyed Minhwa painting. Tiger is the mascot animal of the univ. In Minhwa, tiger drives away evil spirit and magpie brings a good news. I hope good results come along to everyone!


Workshop at The Asia Society and Museum

  1. Min-hwa workshop at Rutgers University, NJ, US

  2. It’s a true honor to be teaching this upcoming course (Online Class) on Minhwa at Rutgers University.


Minhwa Workshop at Won Dharma Center

2018 April Won Dharma..jpg

Last weekend I had my Solo Exhibition at Won Dharma Retreat Center, Claverack, NY.  "ONE FAMILY, ONE WORLD" and conducted a Minhwa workshop for public.

한미문화예술재단 USA. 뉴욕지부 개인전 및 민화 그리기 수업.

Asian Ink Painting Workshop with Children at P.S.116 in New York. It was their first time trying out Asian painting materials and they very much enjoyed it. As a painter, it was inspiring to see how the children navigate through their own way as a y…

Asian Ink Painting Workshop with Children at P.S.116 in New York. It was their first time trying out Asian painting materials and they very much enjoyed it. As a painter, it was inspiring to see how the children navigate through their own way as a young little artist.

Korean American Cultural Art Foundation USA. New York.

한미문화예술재단 USA, 뉴욕지부 초등학교 P.S.116에서 수업을 했습니다. 처음으로 접해보는 동양화를 신기해하며 즐거워하는 모습을 보니 보람된 시간이었습니다. June 12, 2018.

American Museum of Natural history  in New York " Spotlight Asia Festival" Minhwa workshop Feb,2016.뉴욕 자연사 박물관 아시아 축제 한국문화 알리기 민화 수업. 한미문화예술재단 USA 뉴욕 지부.

American Museum of Natural history  in New York " Spotlight Asia Festival" Minhwa workshop Feb,2016.

뉴욕 자연사 박물관 아시아 축제 한국문화 알리기 민화 수업. 한미문화예술재단 USA 뉴욕 지부.

The Wellesley College Korean program commemorates 10th Anniversary Solo Exhibition and Min-hwa Workshop. Nov, 2015.웰즐리 여대 한국 프로그램 10주년기념 초대전과 민화수업을 했습니다. 

The Wellesley College Korean program commemorates 10th Anniversary Solo Exhibition and Min-hwa Workshop. Nov, 2015.

웰즐리 여대 한국 프로그램 10주년기념 초대전과 민화수업을 했습니다. 

The Asia Society in New York hosted an event "Moonover Manhattan" Along with other cultural booths, I conducted a Korean Mask painting workshop.Feb, 2018. 

The Asia Society in New York hosted an event "Moonover Manhattan" Along with other cultural booths, I conducted a Korean Mask painting workshop.Feb, 2018.


The Korea Society in New York. Traditional mask painting workshop with Northern Valley High School. May 2016. 

The Korea Society in New York. Traditional mask painting workshop with Northern Valley High School. May 2016. 

UN (HCUND) Hospitality Committee for United Nations Delegation. Min-hwa painting workshop. Oct 2015.

UN (HCUND) Hospitality Committee for United Nations Delegation. Min-hwa painting workshop. Oct 2015.

The Korea Society in New York, Min-hwa painting workshop with Elementary & Middle School Teachers.  Korea's Traditional Art & Culture Reflected in Contemporary Media. Aug 2015.초등학교 & 중학교 교사들과 함께 한국 민화 수업을 뉴욕 코리아 소사이어티 에서 했…

The Korea Society in New York, Min-hwa painting workshop with Elementary & Middle School Teachers.  Korea's Traditional Art & Culture Reflected in Contemporary Media. Aug 2015.

초등학교 & 중학교 교사들과 함께 한국 민화 수업을 뉴욕 코리아 소사이어티 에서 했습니다. 아주 열심히 배워서 흐뭇한 시간이었습니다.

American Museum of Natural History in New York "Spotlight Asia"  Min-hwapainting workshop.뉴욕 자연사 박물관에서 한국 민화 까치 호랑이 그리기 워크숍을 했습니다. May 2015.

American Museum of Natural History in New York "Spotlight Asia"  Min-hwapainting workshop.

뉴욕 자연사 박물관에서 한국 민화 까치 호랑이 그리기 워크숍을 했습니다. May 2015.

The Thomas Stone High School, Waldorf. Painting workshop. 10th Annual Korean Lunar Festival in MD Korean American Cultural Arts Foundation. USA. 2015.한미문화예술재단 USA. 메릴랜드 주에 있는 토마스 고등학교에서  한국문화 알리기 수업. 

The Thomas Stone High School, Waldorf. Painting workshop. 10th Annual Korean Lunar Festival in MD Korean American Cultural Arts Foundation. USA. 2015.

한미문화예술재단 USA. 메릴랜드 주에 있는 토마스 고등학교에서  한국문화 알리기 수업. 

The visually impaired students of the English Access Microscholarship Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, enjoyed painting the minhwa tiger last week"

유우머와 의미가 있는 민화 까치 호랑이는 시각 장애가 있는 학생들에게 부담없이 그릴수있고 즐길수있는 인기있는 그림이었어요🍎🌸

Thank you for the Support
ShinHan Art US
유진 이민향 한복

Last week I conducted a Min-Hwa workshop with local artists and exhibited my work at the Star Art Space in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. I really appreciated their hard work and effort !!❤️

중앙 아시아에 위치한 Kyrgyzstan Bishkek 에 있는 Star Art Space 에서 그림 전시를 마치고 이곳에서 활동하는 작가들과 함께 모여 한국 민화 워크숍을 했습니다. 모두들 열심히 그리는 모습에 흐뭇... 🌺
Thank you for the support
Shin Han Art US

Talk about Korean culture

As a part of a mission from KACAF (Korean-American Cultural Arts Foundation) USA, I had a chance to give a talk about Korean culture and art in Kyrgyzstan last week. Since "Korean Wave" is sweeping over here, Central Asia as well, everyone was interested in learning and talking about K-Pop, K-Dramas, and Korean costumes.

한미문화예술재단USA 일원으로 중앙아시아에서 우리의 문화 알리는 수업이 있었습니다. 한류에 힘입어 드라마, 노래, 의상 등등 관심과 질문사항이 많았던 즐거운 워크숍이였어요 🌺

Thank you for your support ❤️
Shin Han Art US
Bayalinov Library
유진 이민향 한복

I am pleased to announce that there is going to be a public Minhwa workshop, followed by my exhibition at the Star Art Space Art Residency in Kyrgyzstan.

The imageries such as peony, and tiger are well-known subject matters of Korean folk painting. It's a pleasure to know that people in Central Asia also find them interesting.