As a part of a mission from KACAF (Korean-American Cultural Arts Foundation) USA, I had a chance to give a talk about Korean culture and art in Kyrgyzstan last week. Since "Korean Wave" is sweeping over here, Central Asia as well, everyone was interested in learning and talking about K-Pop, K-Dramas, and Korean costumes.
한미문화예술재단USA 일원으로 중앙아시아에서 우리의 문화 알리는 수업이 있었습니다. 한류에 힘입어 드라마, 노래, 의상 등등 관심과 질문사항이 많았던 즐거운 워크숍이였어요 🌺
Thank you for your support ❤️
Shin Han Art US
Bayalinov Library
유진 이민향 한복